Children's Chakras
Chakra development in children
Difficulties in life often result from injuries, abuse, childhood patterns. Often they are passed on by well-intentioned, though unaware, parents. Many of the reactions are repeated and remain unhealed and passed on from generation to generation, often unconsciously. So let's get acquainted with the development of children's chakras so that we can consciously support them in their proper development.
The chakra system based on seven energy centers reflects the phases of a child's development. It shows how the chakras develop one by one from bottom to top, from birth to adulthood. Creating optimal conditions for children's development in the new era means not only avoiding abuse, but also supporting children in all dimensions of their experience - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It also supports the proper development of the physical body and subtle bodies, emphasizing that the mother and child are bound until they are fully developed in the child. It is important that our help is adequate to the level of development of children. If possible, it is good for the mother to stay with the child until preschool age, or at least for the first year and a half of the child's life, until the emotional body is formed. Let us also remember that after birth, for about 6 months, a child perceives themself and mother as one being, if the mother is not with the child, it is as if someone has taken away a part of their body, so dear mothers, if possible, do not leave your child in the care of another person .
The construction of the etheric body for the child to be born is initiated by a special being, which is the common thought-form of the four Deva rajas. The entity has the exact appearance of the baby body it is supposed to build. Clairvoyants sometimes see a small childlike figure hovering near the mother and then inside her body, mistaken for the soul of a child. When necessary, the entity can continue its work until the child's seventh year. After the work is done, the creature disintegrates. The physical particles of the baby's new body are built into the ethereal form being created as it develops. The etheric matter for this body is taken from the mother's body, hence the fact of the quality of ingredients provided by her body is of great importance.
In newborns, there are undeveloped chakra buds, in the form of small, lazily moving circles. The only fully open chakras are the base and crown. According to the beliefs of many peoples, it is through the top of the head (fontanelle) that the soul of a child enters the body during birth.
The first chakra, the etheric body - the period of pregnancy until the first year of the child's life
– Helping in incarnation, i.e. helping the child to fully enter the body through frequent touching, hugging, carrying, nursing, paying attention to the child's physical needs, playing with legs and hands. All this helps the child to enter his own body, gain awareness of their body, confirms its physicality and helps in the development of motor skills and coordination. Creating a safe and comfortable environment with age-appropriate toys helps them connect positively with the outside world.
– Developing a sense of security. Building trust by creating a bond with the original caregiver is the only source of security for the child. It is very important that the main parent, mother or father, consistently supports the child during the first year of life. They were a support for the child, they often hugged them, not only when they cried, protected them from noise, bright light, hunger, cold, discomfort, fed them when hungry and prepare them for sleep when tired and not at set hours. The greater the bond created between the parent and the child, the more secure the child will feel and the faster they will become more independent. The awareness that the parent is always close, allows the child to relax, believe in their own strength and naturally go to the next stages of development without excessive vigilance and tension. The time devoted to nursing in the first year is proportional to the development of the child in the later period. A great bond with the child results in their greater peace and independence and better health in later years of life. The feeling of security comes from a safe environment. A small child identifies with the environment, perceives it as a part of themself, so they are and who they will be depends largely on the world that directly surrounds them. In places and situations when a child feels insecure, they will look for support from their parents more often and more intensively.
– Appropriate day care should parents have to return to work before the child is one year old. It is important that the child has a permanent guardian or babysitter so there will be a bond of trust and a sense of security created. In the case of nurseries, I suggest choosing a facility that provides the right amount of care, proximity and support to the child to meet its needs. It will be helpful to spend some time in the nursery setting with your child, until they get used to their new surroundings. The baby will probably also want to bond with the parent, so it's a good idea to spend more time in the evening with them.
- Nutrition. Feeding at scheduled times prevents the baby from establishing its own circadian rhythms and shows that the world is not responding to its needs. Bearing in mind the numerous advantages of breastfeeding, however, it is good to take into account, that the mother's emotional state during feeding is more important than whether the milk flows from the breast or from the bottle. A bottle given with love is better than a breast given with reluctance. So let's not criticize ourselves, if we choose a bottle and let's not judge other women for it. By choosing to feed with her own milk, the mother also undertakes to avoid taking harmful substances that get into the milk, such as drugs, alcohol, and other stimulants.
If you effectively support your child during this period, you will give a solid foundation to face the challenges of later life and information that the world will meet their needs. Your baby will be more confident and have a better sense of their own body and that it is alive.
The second chakra, the emotional body, the astral body - 6-18 months of a child's life
– Allowing to move away. As the child develops motor skills and the ability to move around, begin to move further and further away from the parent. Because still they feel insecure, they will leave and come back to see if the parent is there waiting for them. This is completely natural and it is important to support both movements – encourage moving away by creating safe opportunities to explore and provide comfort and warmth when the baby comes back.
- Developing the senses. A child learns about the world with their senses, so let's support them in this - by creating a safe opportunity for them to experience.
The variety of colors, sounds, smells and tastes is important, but their intensity and endurance, should always be adjusted to the child's individual preferences and sensitivity so as not to overstimulate them. It is also an important time to develop the sense of taste by trying a variety of dishes, which affects later culinary preferences.
- Discovering the world through movement. The child moves better and better and wants to explore more and more, so this is not a good time to limit their movement, e.g. by locking it in a playpen. If closure is necessary, keep it short.
– Recognition of emotions. The child learns emotions by observing the parent. Also, be a mirror to your child's emotions by naming them and responding to them appropriately. Do not deny what the child is feeling and do not punish the child for their emotions, but help them understand themselves. Remember that a child cannot control their emotions, what is more - that does not understand what is happening to them, so do not expect them to behave beyond their age. Take care of your needs and the atmosphere at home so as not to burden the child with your own unordered emotions.
Third chakra, mental body - 18 months of a child's life up to 3 years
– Independence and stubbornness. Let's support the child's self-reliance, independence, stubbornness and willingness to make simple decisions. Let choose what they wants to eat or what they want to wear. This is not a mindless machine that meets our expectations, but a young person in a small body, already having their own preferences. Let's give the child the opportunity to demonstrate their own stubbornness in a way that is safe for them.
– Building self-esteem. Support your child's independence and show joy at their achievements. Help them develop self-confidence by giving the tasks to perform to the best of their abilities, enjoying their successes and not improving them to make them perfect according to your assessment. Perfectionism, if you have it, it's your burden, don't pass it on to your child. If your child insists on doing something that is beyond their ability, help them do it to build their confidence. Patience pays off, so refrain from critical remarks and rushing your child.
– Potty training. Observe your child's readiness to potty train instead of focusing on your own expectations or other people's advice. If you wait until your child is ready to use the toilet, you will save them unnecessary stress and conflict, and your child will be proud of their new skill. The child will show when they are ready - they will start to be interested in the activities of adults in the toilet, they will signal that they are wet, they will stop tolerating nappies.
– Setting boundaries. In addition to supporting development and independence, it is very important to set boundaries and justify them to the child. Rewarding for achievement produces better results than punishing for failure, which perpetuates feelings of shame and low self-esteem and increases aggression. Parent's recognition, a hug, praise is more important for a child than a reward given without feeling. Telling a child you don't love them damages the third and fourth chakras and creates a sense of insecurity and a need for approval from those around them. Instead of punishing, try to divert the child's attention to something else, e.g. instead of punishing them for biting the TV remote control, give him something else to play with. Limits set firmly for short periods, such as leaving a child in a room for a few minutes, are more effective than showing anger or coldness, because children are very sensitive to parental disapproval.
Fourth chakra - 4 to 7 years
– Shaping social relations. Children at this age observe and learn about relationships and social roles by identifying with them. This means that the child will imitate your behavior, incorporating it as part of their own personality. If you are aggressive, you are teaching your child to be aggressive towards you and others. So make sure that the relationships around you are harmonized and based on love and understanding to show the child the right role model.
– Shaping empathy and ethics. The child observes and imitates your actions. So teach them ethical behavior with your own ethical action. Teach empathy by explaining your own behavior and your own and others' reactions, e.g. by explaining: "We will take cookies for grandma, because she likes them very much and we will give her a lot pleasure." Gender-specific behaviors are also formed during this period, so be careful how you behave towards other women and men. Treat your partner with love, tenderness and understanding. Treat your children with the same tenderness, regardless of their gender. Show your daughter that a woman can also be strong and independent, and show your son that a man can be tender and sensitive.
– Understanding dependencies. Help your child understand how the world works by answering their questions and justifying their actions.
– Forming contacts with peers. The child is ready to develop friendships with peers, so support him in this.
Fifth chakra - 7 to 12 years
– Supporting communication. It is a time of development of communication methods, language skills and vocabulary. Support your child in this by encouraging them to talk, active listening, helping with lessons, showing effective learning methods and clear ways of communicating.
– Development of creativity. In addition to communication, creativity also develops, so support it by providing your child with opportunities for creative expression. Support creative thinking, ideas for new ways of doing everyday activities, teach them how to use tools, books, take them to shows and concerts. Praise the child for the work they have done by hand, show it to your loved ones - success and praise are the driving force for developing new skills and support creativity.
- Introduction to the big world. A child is curious about the world and is like a sponge absorbing everything new. Show them new places and different ways to spend time so that they can shape their interests. Take your child to the museum, to the zoo, to the market, camping in the mountains…
Sixth chakra - adolescence
– Identity shaping. A teenager is looking for their own identity, trying different roles and expressing their own individuality. Don't focus on fleeting, unimportant, and harmless details like appearance, hairstyle, and musical tastes. Strong criticism from you will only strengthen and prolong the teenager's rebellion. Instead, respect his expression and search for their personality, this is a difficult time in life for them as well. Encourage independent thinking by asking questions instead of just giving answers and instructing. Ask what a teenager would say to a child his age.
– Development of independence. Let the teenager live more of their own life, support a responsible approach to their life, earning money on their own, support any creative activity. Trust them and believe in him, and he will behave more responsibly. Let them make their own mistakes, if they are not life-threatening, so that they can learn from them and experience their own lessons.
– Setting clear boundaries. The above points do not exempt from setting clear and justified boundaries.
The seventh chakra - early adulthood and later life
The formation of the seventh chakra basically takes place throughout childhood, but the final phase takes place in adulthood. However, it is worth supporting the development of the crown chakra in advance.
–Shaping inquisitiveness and critical thinking. Stimulate your child's independent thinking by asking questions, openly discussing various topics, reflecting on their own views or problems without lecturing or judging.
– Offering spiritual diversity. Show your child different aspects of spirituality, different cultures and religions if you are religious. Let them experience safely so that they can consciously choose their own path of spiritual development.
– Education opportunities. Learning feeds the crown chakra, so support any and all kinds of learning that interests your child.
- Consent to leave. Allow your child to become independent if he or she feels it's time. Give up control and attachment, and then the child will be able to spread their wings and move towards their own world.
In subsequent stages of child development, your child still needs to meet the needs from earlier stages. It is a continuous and interconnected process. Children always need love, attention, time and acceptance. They need encouragement and support, not criticism and coldness. They need to feel safe being part of the community, and at the same time be aware of their own individuality and identity. Remember that children learn by observing and imitating. In the first and most important period of their lives, we - the parents - are the authority, so let's not expect different behavior and preferences from children than we represent ourselves. Children are the sacred beings of the future, our greatest teachers. Let's trust our children, because they often know what is best for them. Let them experience and learn from their mistakes, because this is how they develop. Let's let them live their lives, and let's not limit them with our patterns. Let them live.
Based on the book "Wheels of Life" by Anodea Judith.